Noise induced hearing loss is absolutely preventable!  If you work in a noisy environment, or enjoy hobbies or activities that can be noisy, it is important to protect your hearing.  Foam plugs and ear muffs work great!  But what if you want to go to a concert (when that happens again) and listen with clarity but without damaging your hearing irreversibly?  There is hearing protection just for that.  Want to wearing hearing protection all day long that is comfortable and communicate with others around you without needing to remove anything?  Custom hearing protection with acoustic filters may be just the thing you need.  Enjoy hunting or shooting at the range?  There’s electronic shooter’s protection that allows you to hear clearly until an impulse is detected.  Once the noise is gone, the devices will allow you to hear normally again until the next noise event.  Your hearing is precious.  Once it is gone, it is gone forever, so please protect it.  Below is a handy chart showing how loud some every day sounds are.  If you would like to measure your environment, you can download a dB meter app that will give you a good idea about the sounds of your life.  Call to schedule your appointment today!


Your friend in Audiology,

Dr. Erik Breitling
